Product Manuals

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17 manual(s) found for "C" .

Count & Hug Bug
The Count & Hug Bug™ by VTech® is sure to keep baby busy! This soft, plush ladybug has six legs and flapping wings, making it easier for little hands to grasp. Equipped with a motion sensor that plays fun sounds, the Count & Hug Bug™ encourages tossing, catching and plenty of learning fun...especially when on-the-fly!
The Count & Hug Bug™ by VTech® is sure to keep baby busy! This soft, plush ladybug has six legs and flapping wings, making it easier for little hands to grasp. Equipped with a motion sensor that plays fun sounds, the Count & Hug Bug™ encourages tossing, catching and plenty of learning fun...especially when on-the-fly!

Cody The Smart Cub
Cuddle, learn and play with Cody The Smart Cub™ by VTech®! Cody and your child will grow together, learning greetings, listening to bed time music and hearing special holiday and birthday wishes. Personalize Cody through VTech's Learning Lodge™ with your child's name, favorite stories and so much more!
Cuddle, learn and play with Cody The Smart Cub™ by VTech®! Cody and your child will grow together, learning greetings, listening to bed time music and hearing special holiday and birthday wishes. Personalize Cody through VTech's Learning Lodge™ with your child's name, favorite stories and so much more!