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5 manual(s) found for "J" .

Jake And The Neverland Pirates Spy & Learn Telescope
Ahoy, matey! It’s time for a pirate adventure with the VTech Spy & Learn Telescope. This learning telescope for kids featuring Jake and the Never Land Pirates allows your child to explore as they play fun electronic learning games that teach words, counting, and classification.
Ahoy, matey! It’s time for a pirate adventure with the VTech Spy & Learn Telescope. This learning telescope for kids featuring Jake and the Never Land Pirates allows your child to explore as they play fun electronic learning games that teach words, counting, and classification.

Jake & The Neverland Pirates Treasure Hunt Learning Laptop
It's time for a pirate adventure with the VTech Treasure Hunt Learning Laptop! Featuring Jake and the Never Land Pirates, this laptop for kids has 14 different learning games that will engage your child as they build their language and math skills.
It's time for a pirate adventure with the VTech Treasure Hunt Learning Laptop! Featuring Jake and the Never Land Pirates, this laptop for kids has 14 different learning games that will engage your child as they build their language and math skills.

Jagger the T-Rex
Transform from a motorized construction truck to a powerful dinosaur with VTech's Jagger The T-Rex™! With voice recognition technology, this mighty toy dinosaur is yours to command! This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience your child will love!
Transform from a motorized construction truck to a powerful dinosaur with VTech's Jagger The T-Rex™! With voice recognition technology, this mighty toy dinosaur is yours to command! This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience your child will love!