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15 manual(s) found for "L" .

Lil' Smart Top
Creative play is right at your child's fingertips with the Lil' SmartTop™ by VTech®. This toddler learning tool has 10 interactive learning activities for your child to explore. For even more learning fun, the Lil' SmartTop™ can be customized with your child's name, stories, favorite songs and even personalized e-cards!
Creative play is right at your child's fingertips with the Lil' SmartTop™ by VTech®. This toddler learning tool has 10 interactive learning activities for your child to explore. For even more learning fun, the Lil' SmartTop™ can be customized with your child's name, stories, favorite songs and even personalized e-cards!

Lil' Smart Top Pink
Creative play is right at your child's fingertips with the Lil' SmartTop™ by VTech®. This toddler learning tool has 10 interactive learning activities for your child to explore. For even more learning fun, the Lil' SmartTop™ can be customized with your child's name, stories, favorite songs and even personalized e-cards!
Creative play is right at your child's fingertips with the Lil' SmartTop™ by VTech®. This toddler learning tool has 10 interactive learning activities for your child to explore. For even more learning fun, the Lil' SmartTop™ can be customized with your child's name, stories, favorite songs and even personalized e-cards!

Lil' Critters Soothe & Sound Light
Put your little one to sleep with the Lil' Critters Soothe & Surprise Light™ by VTech®! Gentle nature sounds and music soothe your baby, while calming animal pictures project on the ceiling on this soothing night light. For comfort during the night, a soft crib light creates more than 10 glowing patterns, and when your baby cries, this baby crib light's built-in sensor activates calming sound and music. Sweet dreams, little one!
Put your little one to sleep with the Lil' Critters Soothe & Surprise Light™ by VTech®! Gentle nature sounds and music soothe your baby, while calming animal pictures project on the ceiling on this soothing night light. For comfort during the night, a soft crib light creates more than 10 glowing patterns, and when your baby cries, this baby crib light's built-in sensor activates calming sound and music. Sweet dreams, little one!

Lil' Critters Crib-to-Floor Activity Center
Discover and learn with the Lil' Critters Crib-to-Floor Activity Center™ by VTech®! Peek-a-boo surprises, piano keys, and over 30 melodies will keep your baby busy while stimulating their senses with sight, touch and sound. With this fun crib and floor activity center, they'll learn first words, numbers, colors and more!
Discover and learn with the Lil' Critters Crib-to-Floor Activity Center™ by VTech®! Peek-a-boo surprises, piano keys, and over 30 melodies will keep your baby busy while stimulating their senses with sight, touch and sound. With this fun crib and floor activity center, they'll learn first words, numbers, colors and more!