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21 manual(s) found for "V" .

V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System- Pink
Reading comes to life with VTech's V. Reader Interactive E-Reading System Pink. This storyteller learning system brings books to life and makes reading vivid and fun for your child! Kids can touch and play as they learn core reading skills, touch the screen to read the story, and play interactive reading games.
Reading comes to life with VTech's V. Reader Interactive E-Reading System Pink. This storyteller learning system brings books to life and makes reading vivid and fun for your child! Kids can touch and play as they learn core reading skills, touch the screen to read the story, and play interactive reading games.

V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System
Reading comes to life with VTech's V. Reader Interactive E-Reading System. This storyteller learning system brings books to life and makes reading vivid and fun for your child! Kids can touch and play as they learn core reading skills, touch the screen to read the story, and play interactive reading games.
Reading comes to life with VTech's V. Reader Interactive E-Reading System. This storyteller learning system brings books to life and makes reading vivid and fun for your child! Kids can touch and play as they learn core reading skills, touch the screen to read the story, and play interactive reading games.

V.Reader Software Cartridge - Toy Story 3
Bring the Toy Story 3 movie to life for your child with the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System from VTech! Woody, Buzz and the Little Green Aliens will teach your child punctuation, letter identification, categorizing, sequencing and beginning sounds, all while playing with their fa
Bring the Toy Story 3 movie to life for your child with the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System from VTech! Woody, Buzz and the Little Green Aliens will teach your child punctuation, letter identification, categorizing, sequencing and beginning sounds, all while playing with their fa

V.Reader Software Cartridge - Fairies
With a little sprinkle of fairy dust, you and Tinker Bell are on a new reading adventure with VTech's V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System. Your child's favorite fairy friends teach reading, vocabulary, grammar and more as your child plays with their favorite educational toy.
With a little sprinkle of fairy dust, you and Tinker Bell are on a new reading adventure with VTech's V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System. Your child's favorite fairy friends teach reading, vocabulary, grammar and more as your child plays with their favorite educational toy.

V.Reader Software Cartridge - Princess
Life is enchanted and magical for Cinderella and Belle as they star in stories for the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System from VTech. Children ages 3-5 will become independent readers with the help of their favorite Princesses as they build pre-reading skills in letter order, colors
Life is enchanted and magical for Cinderella and Belle as they star in stories for the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System from VTech. Children ages 3-5 will become independent readers with the help of their favorite Princesses as they build pre-reading skills in letter order, colors