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10 manual(s) found for "B" .

Bubbles the Learning Whale (version anglaise)

Make bath time fun time with Bubbles the Learning Whale™ by VTech®! Surrounded by floating bubbles, children will learn about first words, colors, rhyming, sea animals and more. They’ll have a whale of a good time with this playful bath toy as they pop their way to aquatic, learning fun!

Blister the Velociraptor (version anglaise)

Transform from a combat helicopter to a speedy dinosaur with VTech's Blister the Velociraptor™! This transforming toy fuses two of boys' favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience your child will love!

Baby ordi des découvertes

Donnez à votre enfant son propre Baby ordi des découvertes et rencontrez de nouveaux amis animaux !

Baby baladeur des découvertes

Remonte le temps et monte le son avec ce jouet musical rétro, Baby baladeur des découvertes.

Baby micro des P'tits loulous

Montez sur scène et donnez une performance étonnante pendant la récréation avec Baby micro des P'tits loulous!

Baby tourne-disque

Hé, DJ, joue cette chanson!

Baby's Learning Laptop (version anglaise)

Bytes for little bits! The Baby's Learning Laptop by VTech is an electronic learning toy designed just for little ones to introduce them to computer play.

Baby's Learning Laptop Pink (version anglaise)

Bytes for little bits! The Baby's Learning Laptop Pink by VTech is an electronic learning toy designed just for little ones to introduce them to computer play.

Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet (version anglaise)

Your child can build essential skills through tablet play with the VTech Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet. This touch tablet for kids has 80 power packed activities that will engage your child as they learn.

Brilli the Imagination Ball (version anglaise)

Catch, learn, and have a ball with Brilli the Imagination Ball by VTech. This adorable friend is an educational activity ball for kids that helps your child learn about math and words through fun and interactive play.