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22 manual(s) found for "I" .

Learn, create and connect! The InnoTab® 3S, the new Wi-Fi learning app tablet, opens up a world of interactive game play and learning fun! Educational games teach reading, math, social studies, science and much more - but your child will have too much fun to notice they're learning! Play your own videos and MP3s, and connect to other InnoTab® 3S tablets and smart phones to share messages and more! Equipped with a kid-safe browser, your child can view pre-approved websites. Connect to the Learning Lodge™ for hundreds of software cartridges and downloads for more learning fun!

Open up a world of learning fun! With a wealth of age-appropriate educational games, apps and more, the InnoTab® 3 expands children's minds and creativity with its innovation in learning. Your child will play on this fun learning tablet with 16 apps included. Get access to hundreds of software cartridges and downloads via the Learning Lodge™. Try out the new D-Pad for interactive game play, then play your own videos and MP3s! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, science and much more. From VTech®, your one-stop learning authority!

Open up a world of learning fun! With a wealth of age-appropriate educational games, apps and more, the InnoTab® 3 expands children's minds and creativity with its innovation in learning. Your child will play on this fun learning tablet with 16 apps included. Get access to hundreds of software cartridges and downloads via the Learning Lodge™. Try out the new D-Pad for interactive game play, then play your own videos and MP3s! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, science and much more. From VTech®, your one-stop learning authority!

Learn, create and connect! The InnoTab® 3S, the new Wi-Fi learning app tablet, opens up a world of interactive game play and learning fun! Educational games teach reading, math, social studies, science and much more - but your child will have too much fun to notice they're learning! Play your own videos and MP3s, and connect to other InnoTab® 3S tablets and smart phones to share messages and more! Equipped with a kid-safe browser, your child can view pre-approved websites. Connect to the Learning Lodge™ for hundreds of software cartridges and downloads for more learning fun!

Protect your smart device while your little one plays with the iDiscover App Panda™ from VTech®! This cuddly plush pal is entertaining at home or on the go—with or without your smart phone. You can also download six free activities to keep your little one “hAPPy” with learning fun!

The VTech InnoTab 2 Baby has something to offer your child at every age. For the younger learner, the InnoTab 2 Baby has a bumper that helps protect it from drops and tumbles and comes with fun apps such as sing-along nursery rhyme songs, a Noah’s Ark e-book, and more! As your child grows, they can play with the rotatable camera, video recorder, music player, and other hi-tech apps that will put them on the cutting edge of learning fun!

Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech's InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet. With the addition of a rotatable camera that can also take video, your child can capture memories of their friends and themselves! With hundreds of apps to download, your child will have so much fun, they won't realize they are learning.

Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech's InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet. With the addition of a rotatable camera that can also take video, your child can capture memories of their friends and themselves! With hundreds of apps to download, your child will have so much fun, they won't realize they are learning.

With Wi-Fi and capabilities to have up to 32GB of memory (SD Card expandable), the VTech InnoTab® 2S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet is the perfect learning toy for your on-the-go lifestyle. No more connecting to the computer every time your child wants a new game, e-book, video, or music for his InnoTab 2S! Designed for children ages 3-9, the InnoTab 2S offers 15 ready-to-use apps, including Wish List Maker—and 2 free downloads—for hours of educational fun.

With Wi-Fi and capabilities to have up to 32GB of memory (SD Card expandable), the VTech InnoTab® 2S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet is the perfect learning toy for your on-the-go lifestyle. No more connecting to the computer every time your child wants a new game, e-book, video, or music for his InnoTab 2S! Designed for children ages 3-9, the InnoTab 2S offers 15 ready-to-use apps, including Wish List Maker—and 2 free downloads—for hours of educational fun.

Everybody's favorite zoo creatures are at it again in this new Penguins of Madagascar educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet from VTech. Kids can join their favorite characters as they play and develop essential learning skills.

It's always an adventure under the sea with SpongeBob SquarePants. In this new educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet by VTech, kids can play games, read an e-book, and create as they build essential learning skills.

Join the fun and celebrate with Hello Kitty on her birthday in this new educational software title for the VTech's InnoTab systems. Your child will have fun interacting with Hello Kitty and her friends as they play learning games, read an e-book, and engage in creative activities!

The Scare Games are the biggest event of the year at Monsters University. Mike and the other Oozma Kappas need to win, or Mike and Sulley will get expelled! Read their story in the e-book, or help Mike and Sulley train for the Scare Games in the learning games. This InnoTab® software title features nine learning games that teach letters, math and more!